
Fresh Content Friday- March 13th!

Calling all my business owners and entrepreneur friends! 

I am so excited to be doing a live workshop in Vancouver, WA next month and I want to invite YOU!

Have you ever learned something new for your business and when you went to try it out in person or on social media, you second guessed if you were “overdoing it” with too many business posts or wondered if people were scrolling past or zoning out when you started talking about your products or services? Me too.

Have you felt so unsure and overwhelmed with your brand messaging, you didn’t end up saying or doing anything–stuck in perfection paralysis?

Well, wouldn’t it be great if a pro could help you think through your strategy and review your messaging before you tried it out? Well, we hear you, we see you, and we’re doing something about it!

Give yourself permission to attend Fresh Content Friday on March 13th! A done-WITH-you content creation workshop! 



Not sure if this for you? Here’s more detail: 

Have you had sales training in the past that made you believe…

  • If you don’t ask, the answer’s always no.
  • Be enthusiastic about your product
  • Hide the name of your actual company until you “educate” your prospect on the product or service
  • You must give a well rehearsed and smooth sales presentation
  • You have to lead with all the benefits your product or service has
  • You should always be closing

Or, have you never had any sales training and your only experience is with people trying to sell to you?

We’ve all experienced people who follow outdated strategies. (These are the people spamming our Facebook messenger with sales pitches if we like one of their posts, or reach out to us only when they want to sell us something.) Ick.

The last thing we want is to be “those people” in our community. This fear can sometimes lead to over-analyzation of how and when we talk about ourselves, our business, products and/or services. Our tendency to over-correct can lead  to string silent when our potential ideal clients miss out on products or services that could really benefit their lives.

So, how do we effectively position our brand to achieve our goals and grow our business WITHOUT feeling like a social outcast or a shrinking violet?

Well, Annie Heironymous with Vivid Reveal and I have teamed up again to offer a solution that is custom made for you! The Evolved ABC’s of Selling; Attract, Believe and Connect. 

We created this workshop based off of 20 plus years of brand marketing and successful sales experience.

Here is what the workshop day looks like~

9:30 to 12:00 pm: Opportunities to learn and contribute how to..

  • Position your brand to attract your ideal audience and clients
  • Share the true belief in your products and services to start building trust
  • Learn how to use brand storytelling fundamentals to connect emotionally and start a real relationship
  • Turn these concepts into content that builds curiosity, inspiration and engagement

12:00 to 1:00: Catered lunch is included in your ticket. Yum!

1:00 to 3:30 : We stop talking so you can focus on crating your own verbal, written and visual..

  • Brand positioning core statement- Who am I? (Attract)
  • Products and Services message: Why do I offer these products or services? (Believe)
  • Brand story: Why is this important to you? (Connect)

3:30 to 4:15: Practice verbalizing your brand statement, message and story with a partner.

Push the button! Update your website, marketing material, and/or social media with your new Attract-Believe-Connect messaging!

4:15: Celebration toast! Like, follow and support each other’s content creation!

4:30 to 5:30: Stay if you like to finish up or get some individual help from Lani or Annie!

Space is limited so we can give each attendee the best possible experience!

Ticket is $119 for the all-day event!

PS: An all day ticket with either of us is worth 10X this price!

Sign up on Eventbrite! Copy and paste the below link to reserve your spot!

Hi! Lani here and I’ve got some free training for you!


Hello there!

 I hope you’ve been marvelous!

There have been some new and exciting things going on here. I started co-coaching an amazing virtual, live program for entrepreneurs. As I wrapped up our last group coaching course, Client Attraction Networking Blueprint, there were some discussions that made me think of you.

 I realized that I haven’t offered a free training in quite a while and so  I  decided to get the ball rolling and  now I’m ready to deliver!

 But before I give you access to the free webinar, I want to point something out…

If you’ve taken a close look at what successful people do to attract clients and grow their business, you’ll find that many of them, from the big names in the world to the one-person show, are actively networking.

When I started my first business I knew that being an entrepreneur was going to be a lifelong endeavor and I wanted to know what it was going to take to build long-term success and that’s when I discovered the power of networking.  And it’s been the #1 way that I’ve been able to get up to 90% of my revenue.

Are you in business for the long haul too? If so, I’d like to help you.

You see, I’m passionate about teaching other entrepreneurs, sales professionals and direct sales consultants how to use the power of networking to create a thriving business, doing what you love and living your definition of success.

And that’s why I’m inviting you to my complimentary online training called: Client Attraction Networking and it’s happening next week so reserve your spot and mark your calendar right now!

Here’s the link to get instant access to the details and reserve your spot:

Networking doesn’t have to be a difficult and awkward experience. If you want to know how to attract more clients, create your own personal brand and connect with others in an authentic and genuine way, you’ll want to be on this training.

Face-to-face networking isn’t about sales so you don’t need to feel pressure to give one sales pitch after the other. In fact, when you learn to do networking the way I teach it, you’ll actually enjoy it!

Join me for this transformational free training and discover what you may be doing and saying that’s keeping you from getting better results from your networking efforts.

How to Wear Metallics!

Every season, there are new offerings in fashion that are eye-catching, yet let’s face it, not wearable for most of us. But if you weren’t interested in style, you wouldn’t be reading this article right now! You’ve been seeing metallics creeping in for a while now, but this season, they are getting even brighter and more daring.

The question is how do you wear enough of it to look cool, but not crazy? By just using the trend in small doses.


Here’s how:

  • Start by buying into the trend in jewelry.
  • Use metallics in accessories like shoes, bags and belts.
  • Pick a toned-down version that looks like it’s burnished gold, gunmetal or copper.
  • Wear just one glitzy gold clothing item and incorporate into your whole look.
  • Mixed metals are hot; in example; silver/gold and copper/silver.
  • Stack assorted metal bracelets and combine them with others.

The final touch you must do to pull off this look is to polish your nails. Paint them at least a sheer color with a shiny top coat! Skip this step and the outfit can look overdone.

Remember, the secret to looking like you know what you’re doing is wearing classic styles and venturing out with seasonal fabrics and accessorizing with the new trends.

The choice is always yours, make it a good one!

~ Lani


Beauty on a Budget!

Want to have the advantages of great products and services without spending all the cash? Who doesn’t? There are great alternatives out there. Let me help save you from some of the experimental process!

See my fave picks below:



1. Olay Professional- ProX Advanced Cleaning System: This 2-speed cleaning brush used with the exfoliating renewal cleanser is a beauty bargain. Compare it to the other brand (Ahem, starts with a C)- $29.99 versus $199.00. This will do the same job! Available at most drugstores.


            2. Jergens Natual Glow Revitalizing Body Moisturizer: Want a natural glow but not big on self tanning streaks? This gradual tanning cream/moisturizer slowly and subtly colors your skin while disguising imperfections. At $7.99 this product is available at most drugstores.

             3. Olay Total Effects 7-in-1 Exfoliate and Replenish Advanced Anti-Aging Body Wash: With the drying effects of winter heating dulling up your skin, we need all the help we can get. The exfoliating beads work to slough off dead skin and the moisturizers make skin feel conditioned. Available for $7.99 at most drugstores.


4. Borghese Intensive Eye Serum: This lightweight gel moisturizes and calms swelling in the eye area. Use it under make-up and at night. If you have extra dry skin, you can use it under your regular eye cream. I noticed a difference in fine lines in just one week of use. The best part? You can get two for only $16.99. Available at Costco.


             5. Maybelline New York Color Show Nail Lacquer: At $3.99 these trendy shades are affordable enough to play with any shades you were just even curious about! Available at most drugstores.

             6. Eucerin Original Lotion: This product gives you that sheen on your skin that looks fabulous on bare legs and arms. This classic formula is an intense moisturizer to boot. About $13.00 at most drugstores.

             7. L’Oreal Extra Intense Liquid Pencil Eyeliner: Love this liner for its ability to give you the intensity of a liquid liner, but with the ease and precision of a pencil. Smudge-resistant formula stays in place for hours. About $8.49 and available at Ulta and select drugstores.

Pssst! A word on hair coloring…  I found something out last year that made an immense difference in the health of my hair. I only use hair color purchased in beauty supply stores. They don’t contain metals and therefore don’t damage my hair. These are the products your hairdresser uses and at the same price range as store-bought color-  I’ll never buy drugstore hair color again!

On a time budget as well? There are ways to shorten your regime in the morning without skimping on the outcome.

Pick out your outfit the night before. Most importantly, try it on, then lay it out with accessories and shoes.

Shower and wash your hair the night before and apply hair oil on your hair the night before. This will save you the time and the damaging effects of blow-drying in the morning.

Try those sock buns! I admit it, I’m hooked. I can put my hair up and elevate my total style in 5 minutes flat with this product. I use one that I purchased, but you can make your own. Check out this YouTube tutorial on a braided version.

 With my business, and a young daughter at home, I absolutely love saving time and money. I show my clients how to do this as well with personal shopping and making outfits out of what they already own! All it really takes is a little know-how and planning to make your life more efficient, and beautiful!

The choice is always yours, make it a good one!

~ Lani

P.S. If you have any great suggestions on products that you use, please comment below!

The Introvert’s Guide to Holiday Parties

It’s that time of year again, company parties and social gatherings everywhere. Will you have to mingle with company leaders as well as strangers and at the same time try make a good impression too? For a natural introvert, this is a stressful time of year.  But instead of trying to muddle through it, you can use these tips below to help prepare yourself and actually enjoy the upcoming season.

Create your mindset:

  • Use imagery- Picture yourself confident and looking poised. Remember  an experience when you successfully mingled and had a good time. Tell yourself that although you feel anxious, you look calm.  And even though you’re in an extrovert’s turf, you can certainly fake it for a couple of hours.
  • Take a few deep breaths- Oxygenation of the brain reduces excessive anxiety levels. Paying attention to your breathing. Breathing slowly, deeply and purposefully into your body will actually force your body to calm itself.

What to wear:

  • Formal or casual? Research what the occasion is, maybe what others wore the previous year and plan your attire accordingly. You can actually look up pictures of outfits people wear to holiday parties for inspiration.  I always tell my clients when in doubt to dress one step more formal than their peers. If you’re shopping for some new clothes, ask the salesperson for suggestions. The key is to look polished, but don’t over-do anything.


Impressions count– Know that looking good can make you feel great and others will judge you on a first impression. For women, a no-fail look for the season is to wear an LBD (little black dress) and add holiday accessories like sparkly jewelry and a great pair of dress sandals. If you’re a man and the party is not too formal, try a nice sport coat, dark jeans, button-up shirt, a belt and nice shoes. In either case, elevate your style and put more effort than you would on a normal day.

What to say:

  • Openers- Be prepared. Before you attend a party or gathering, read a magazine or a popular TV show to feed yourself conversation ingredients. If you want to join an ongoing conversation, the best entry line would be to ask a question about the topic under discussion. Openers are questions that invite other people to talk with you. In example, “Hi, I’m Lani. How do you know the host?â€
  • Sustainers- Ask more open-ended questions about the person you are talking to and listen intently to what they are saying. In example, “You said you were a teacher, what school do you teach at?â€
  • Closers– Social research shows that conversational groups last an average of 5 to 20 minutes. Don’t take offense if others change groups. It’s important how you close a conversation as well. Make a smooth transition like, “Excuse me, I promised to call and check on my kids†or “I need to refresh my drink, excuse me.â€

Remember that for most people, being social and outgoing are skills that are learned, not inherent. You can definitely be born introverted and shy, but learn to be more extroverted when the need arises and actually enjoy getting to know strangers. It just takes practice and a genuine interest in learning about other people. This year, go out and attend the parties and gatherings you’re invited to and regard the new experiences as investing in yourself.

The choice is always yours, make it a good one.

Happy Holidays!

~ Lani

P.S. Please forward this article to friends you feel may benefit from the information.

A Girl’s Got to have her Boots!

Is it my imagination, but the minute the weather turns colder, do you see 80% of the female population walking around in boots? With the huge popularity of boots and the confusing and countless array of styles you have to choose from, it’s no wonder you need a little hand-holding.

But never fear; you have me, your personal and loyal stylist to the rescue! Check out the styles below and instructions on how and what to wear with them.




1.  The high boot- From heeled dress boots to Equestrian styles, the high boot is a must-have for adding versatility and extending your dress and skirt season into the cold.  Equestrian boots are widely popular this year and come in many shades with cool epaulets and straps galore. Wear them with long (to the calf) fuller style skirts, leggings, and skinny jeans. You can wear any long boot with fitted skirts, but leave a few inches between your hem and the boot. Choose a flat-heeled style to wear with a mini skirt and tights.




2.  Booties and ankle boots- Booties are everywhere in all colors and are seen from casual to eveningwear. They’re a mix of somewhere between shoes and boots. Booties look best with short as well as long skirts. It’s the in-between length that’s the wrong proportion and unflattering.  Ankle boots are a little taller on the ankle, but the rules on how  to wear both are very similar. Short boots look great with long skirts, showing very little skin. I like them better with wider, longer skirts, but narrow works fine in some instances. In general, all pants look great over booties or ankle boots, but if you wear jeans tucked into them, make sure the jeans are very snug on the calves so as to avoid that balloon effect (not attractive)! If you like your legs, wear them with short skirts at least 2 inches above the knee and avoid short, wide skirts to avoid the figure skater effect!




3. Cowboy boots- These boots are statement pieces in their own right, so keep the rest of your outfit simple! Tuck dark-wash,  skinny jeans into boots for a more trendy look or pull boot-cut or flare jeans over them to elongate your legs. These western boots also look great with short skirts, shorts and long skirts.



4. Over-the-knee boots- Wear these statement boots right and make heads turn- in a good way! Wear them with shorter skirts and dresses that hit right at the top or above the boot. They also look great with leggings and skinny jeans as long as the jeans are snug enough to not bunch up at all on your thighs.




Why do we love boots so much? Because while women’s fashion boots aren’t winter boots or snow boots, they still serve a purpose. A great pair will keep your legs toasty on chilly days while looking awesome at the same time, they increase the versatility of your existing wardrobe and they just make us feel more put together. So, what’s not to love?

The choice is always yours, make it a great one!

~ Lani

Instant Beauty Tricks That Really Work!

Ever get bored with the same old reflection staring back at yourself in the mirror every day? Ever wish you just looked better, more youthful, more hip or just, well, different?

Here’s some things you can do today to get a little more gorgeous!

1. Get a new hair color. Whether you choose something drastic, decide to cover your gray or just add a few highlights, having color in your hair gives your face an instant boost. And then you can swing your hair like those Clairol commercials!

2. Whiten your teeth. This can make a huge impact on the way you look! Whiter teeth make you look younger and make your face appear more vibrant. There are so many options on the market to choose from that are relatively inexpensive.  This is my vote for the biggest bang for your buck!

3. Sport a ponytail. This is a fresh alternative to a bad hair day. First put some hair product in to keep your pony in place, double-rubber band the ponytail, and then spritz with hairspray to tame fly aways- Instant polish!

4. Moisturize your skin. A good rich moisturizer can take years off your skin. For daytime, buy one with a good sunscreen to protect your skin at the same time. At night, buy one with retinoids in the ingredients to help your skin rejuvenate and lighten minor skin discolorations.

5. Curl your lashes. Even the most tired eyes look more open and awake when you curl your lashes. The secret is to apply a fine coat of mascara, wait for it to dry, then curl your lashes for 10 seconds and re-apply mascara again!

6. Blush up your cheeks. Here’s a secret I share with my clients. To get the most natural looking effect on your face, use a sheer gel or cream blush. Start with a nice foundation all over. Then apply a “teeny bit†of warm pink tone to the apples of your cheeks and blend towards the temples. Do this in layers until you get the desired color of a natural sun-kissed face. I also apply a very small amount to the forehead and nose because that’s where the sun hits the face naturally!


 7. Get glossy, sheer, nude lips. Try this look if you want to look polished, yet not look like you’re trying too hard. Choose a lipstick that’s close to your lips natural shade and go a touch darker. Apply the lipstick, use lip liner after the lipstick is applied, and finish with a high gloss.

8. Polish your nails. Want perfectly polished nails for whatever you’re wearing? Use a see-through pink nail polish followed by a long-wearing top coat like Sally Hansen’s Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear top coat in 100 Invisible.





What’s the best beauty trick of all? Getting some exercise! I know you are sick of hearing this, but for beauty’s sake, get off  your hiney, Honey! Getting your blood pumping is a sure way to make yourself look and feel better. Even if you don’t have time for anything more than a quick walk around the block, it will bring color to your face and put you in a better mood. Adding exercise to your daily routine delivers priceless benefits to your body and mind that the most expensive products in the world can’t buy.

The choice is always yours, make it a good one!

~ Lani

Dress Thinner Instantly!

What is it with women always wanting to look slimmer? Why can’t we just accept our bodies the way they are? This is an age-old question and the answer differs depending on what country you live in and perhaps even what nationality you are. The only thing I know for sure is that my clients always want to look slimmer and there are really good options to achieve this!

Check it out!



1. Layer darker colors under lighter ones: We know that dark colors make things recede and brighter colors make things objects stand out, so by layering dark underneath, you give the illusion that your body underneath is smaller.





2. Buy nude heels: Purchase shoes that match the skin tone of your legs. We’re playing with color again. Nude shoes give the illusion of longer legs because it visually extends your legs down to the








3. The perfect jeans look: Boot-leg dark denim paired with heels and a cute top with accessories. Note the way the jeans cover part of the heel for an elongated, slimmer look!














4. Buy a long cardigan. The lightweight sweater knits can be worn all year round plus because they are lean and graze at your hips, instead of around your waist, they make your torso appear longer as well.








5. Watch your proportions: We all like to play up our flattering body parts but the trick is knowing how to play up the good and camouflage the bad!  If you’re wearing a fuller bottom, then wear a slimmer top and vice versa.










6. Choose shapely skirts: Dressing slimmer, means buying leaner clothing silhouettes. The extra fabric is not flattering unless you are very thin and trying to look larger! Buy a fitted pencil skirt with an empire waist if your midsection is your best asset!


Once you’ve collected some great basics, check out each season’s trends and work them into your wardrobe. Now put on a great big smile and show your confidence because It’s all about workin’ what you’re rockin’ because this is your body and you’ve got to own it!

The choice is always yours, make it a good one!

~ Lani



Warm Nights, Cafe’ Lights…

Ladies, whether it’s you and your man or you and the girls, this is the season where you can really enjoy a night “out†on the town literally. The warmer temperatures make for it easy for you to use your imagination and show off a little with confidence! Not to mention how good the warm night air feels when you’re walking around or enjoying a cool drink in an outdoor café…. 


















Dresses, capris or shorts! It doesn’t matter which of these you wear, you’re showing some skin and this is makes you feel instantly more sexy. Check out these looks for yourself!













Make eye contact wearing the summer version of the smoky eye. For step by step instructions, click on 


To fake beautiful summer skin, use a self tan cream like L’Oreal Sublime Bronze. For great results, moisturize your skin with your favorite unscented lotion first, then apply self tanning cream and blend carefully. Then apply extra body lotion around your ankles and knees to blend the self tan cream in.

For face, neck, décolletage and even the tops of feet, use a bronzing powder with a big fluffy brush!


When summer shows itself here in Portland, locals take full advantage. From outdoor concerts, the festival of the evening, or just dinner and drinks on the patio of your favorite venue, this is the season to savor the offerings of the moment. Enjoy!

The Choice is always yours, make it a good one!

~ Lani

P.S.  If you like this blog, please LIKE my FB fan page for more beauty tips and fashion!!/pages/BackStage-LLC/257897457659368

A Stylist’s Guide to Summer Business Attire

As the temperature climbs and the outdoors is calling to us to come out and play, it gets harder and harder to drag ourselves to the office, much less dress professional enough to conduct business. But the impressions you give still play a tremendous role in your success, even when it’s summer! You may be tempted to dress casually, but you can still look fabulous and professional while trying to keep your cool.

Ladies first:

1. Dress in layers: You can put on and take off layers depending on the current temperature. Start with a skirt and a short sleeve top and layer with a lightweight sweater that will take you from air-conditioned coolness to the sizzling sun outside. Treat yourself to some fun three-quarter sleeve sweaters in different colors!

2. Try an up-do: Here’s your perfect opportunity to try that new style you’ve been thinking about and the bonus is that it will make your summertime outfit look more dressy and show off your earrings!

3. Lighten up your make-up: If you feel like your make-up is running down your face, trust me, it is!  Wear a lightweight foundation with sunscreen in it and instead of putting it on the same way, wear less of it and just use a concealer on areas that need more coverage.

4. Buy something white: If you want to add something to visually lighten up your wardrobe for summer, make it white! This color will make you instantly look more cool and crisp and will tie in many other colors in your closet, instantly extending your summer wardrobe!  

5. Show some skin: Summertime is a great time to skip the pantyhose and tights, but if you’re unsure about the color or condition of your skin, try a self-tan cream and/or leg make-up. Sally Hansen’s Airbrush Legs is a great cosmetic choice that comes in many colors.  But be mindful of what you’re revealing. Don’t wear a skirts that are too short and don’t wear sleeveless tops to work. Wear at least cap sleeves as you still need to set the standard for professionalism. And remember that if you put something on and are questioning whether it’s okay for work, it likely isn’t!


Just for Men:

1. Khaki slacks: These are a summertime staple with classic coolness. Be sure these are made of a good cotton fabric and be double sure to iron them. To make them work-appropriate, they need to look neat and are best worn with a good leather belt.

2. Sportcoats: Even when the temperature soars, you can wear an unlined jacket. Choose a cotton or linen fabric for summertime wear. These are relatively new and are a fabulous alternative. The unlined jackets actually require more workmanship as their counterpart as the inside seams need to be finished. The result is that you can still wear a jacket that feels light enough to wear in the summer, yet still gives you that polished look.

3. The short-sleeved dress shirt: The key here is fit. With no jacket to cover up the imperfection in fit, it will be imperative to find the right sleeve length and fit to your midsection. The less bicep that is covered, the more casual the shirt becomes. A good rule of thumb is that the sleeve length should come down to just above your elbows for a professional look.

4. Undershirts: Always wear an undershirt underneath your dress shirts, preferably a V-neck. While it may seem too hot, this extra layer will actually absorb perspiration and prevent staining from antiperspirants.

5. Accessorizing: If you want to still look polished while wearing lightweight clothes, then upgrade your accessories! Buy a leather band watch that will go better with your Khakis and invest in a really great textured belt and shoes. If you normally wear a tie with your jacket, you can skip it and wear a colorful pocket square instead.

6. Grooming: When your clothes are less formal, you need to pay closer attention to your grooming details. Body tattoos should be hidden as well as piercings. All hair including moustaches and beards should be neatly trimmed and cologne should be kept to a minimal.

Regardless of how hot it gets, you will always represent yourself and you’ve worked hard to achieve your success, so don’t blow it with inappropriate attire. Tweak your summertime wardrobe the smart way and keep that competitive edge.

The choice is always yours, make it a good one!

~ Lani