The Personal Brand Blueprint

Do you know what a personal brand is? When I ask this question, most people reply that it is about a logo, photos, an online presence, and what you look like. But, here’s a quote from Jeff Bezos, Amazon founder and CEO, “A personal brand is what others are saying about you when you’re not in the room.” #Boom. Let that sink in a minute. We all have a personal brand whether we like it or not.

You have control over what your personal brand can be

When you put the work into excavating who you are, what you’re passionate about, what value you bring to others and how big you want to play in the world, you can define a strong brand that originates from YOU so you’ll never have to “fake it til’ you make it.” It’s so much less stressful to be yourself. When you intentionally bring out more of what you love about yourself and less of what you don’t, you will actually become a better version of yourself that you’ll be proud to show the world.

Why should I develop and build a personal brand?

Your personal brand works for you 24/7. Your brand is how others describe you so it will INVITE connection and actually ATTRACT the right opportunities for you. If you have a business, your brand will actually attract your ideal clients so you don’t have to spend any time being sales-y.

But the most important reason to develop your brand is because it will make you feel exponentially more confident in your life and you’ll be able to talk clearly about what it’s like working with you.

If this sounds like something you are interested in, please reach out for a complimentary 1-hour Discovery Session with me to see if you qualify to be a client of my program, The Personal Brand Blueprint.