Let the Holidays Begin!

I love the holidays, I always have. Maybe it’s the weather change, the smell of cinnamon candles, the anticipation of gathering with family and friends or sipping hot cocoa in front of a warm fire?  But it also can be a stressful time of year with all the planning and events on the horizon.  In all the fuss and commotion, many of us think of ourselves last. But this season, it can be a different story…

For any holiday event, dressing for a party is like a balancing act. You want to look special with pretty make-up, sexy hair, and sparkly jewelry, but you still don’t want to look over-the-top, like you’re trying too hard, right?

Below are two perfect holiday make-up looks that I teach my clients. The key is balance and it’s all in the details, so pay close attention! Both looks start with a fresh, clean face, perfectly-matched foundation and finished eyebrows. 

  1. Lip focus: Use soft, natural colors on the eyes. Be sure to wear brown or black eyeliner on the top lash line and use mascara to finish upper and lower eyelashes. Use a natural color on the cheeks as well. Apply a red or berry color on your lips with a brush and then line your lips with a matching pencil and finish with a beautiful, clear gloss. Note, the color palette on the cheeks and lips need to match. 
  2. Eye focus:  Brush on neutral colors all over your eyelids. Then apply a charcoal color on the lower part of your eyelids and blend to the outer edges. Use a more dramatic eyeliner on the top lid and on the lower lid as well if you’re comfortable. Lightly dampen a sponge eyeshadow applicator and layer the charcoal shadow on top of the eyeliner to blend it in. You can also use other dark colors instead of charcoal if you feel so inclined! Apply a heavier hand with mascara on upper and lower eyelashes. Blend a soft color on the cheeks using a light touch. For lips, brush on a much more natural shade, outline with a matching lipliner and finish with a pretty gloss.


For Holiday Hair, the trick to looking special for a party is not wearing the exact same hairstyle you normally wear. If you usually wear it down, pull it back with a thin, sparkly headband or put it up in a soft bun or dressy ponytail. If you normally wear it pulled back, try curling it or straightening it and wearing it down. Apply a very light coat of hair oil to the ends to make hair glossy and add the illusion of thickness.

What about holiday bling? Now is the time to get out of your comfort zone and buy those gorgeous chandelier earrings or any other sparkly bauble you’ve been craving. Remember not to wear large, focal pieces too close together; ie, no chandelier earrings next to a show-stopping necklace.

Practice these looks at home before you actually have a party to get ready for and you’ll be excited and prepared for the upcoming holidays. The surprising outcome of taking care of yourself is that you’ll have more emotional energy to take care of others. So, decide now to make this your most beautiful season ever!

The choice is always yours, make it a good one!

~ Lani

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