How To Rock That LBD (Little Black Dress)!

“Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman.”
— Coco Chanel

Ah yes, the little black dress has been a fashion code for so many years that you might not think about it as a fashion “must have” any more. Well, think again! This is your basic evening classic- an elegant blank canvas that you can accessorize up or down to suit your every occasion. Women have always loved the LBD because it’s black, which can visually take pounds off our frames and most importantly, it makes us feel sexy!

 Be sure to purchase one that makes you feel great in it. Buy it in a fabric you can wear year round. It will be the perfect background for all those fabulous and bold accessories that you can’t get away wearing with anything else. This is the item in your closet that you can wear to show off those drop-dead jeweled sandals and glitzy jewelry.

You should expect to pay more for an item like this because it is a fashion investment. Buy a well-made dress that you will have for years.  

Accessories; the sky’s the limit! Now that you have your LBD, it’s time to start thinking about what jewelry to wear it with. The idea isn’t to grab every nice piece of jewelry in your collection and put it on at once, but to strategically plan your ensemble out. Know that jewelry can date you. When you walk into someone’s home and look at their jewelry, you can tell if they’re 80 or 30 years old. If your jewelry is outdated, put it away for now. Most likely it will come back into style again. Wear the jewelry for the moment.

If your dress has a low neckline, wear a necklace that makes a statement. Much better to wear a bold, fabulous fake than a tiny diamond solitaire that gets lost in that dress. You can read the fashion magazines for ideas of what’s in for the season.

Follow the LBD bling rules! If you want to wear a bold necklace, don’t wear bold matching earrings next to it. Wear smaller earrings and maybe a big cocktail ring.

If you are wearing a jeweled cuff bracelet, you can rock the big earrings, but don’t wear the cocktail ring.

Location matters where this is concerned. You don’t want two bold pieces in close proximity to each other.  The goal is to look effortlessly elegant. Now, go out and have fun glamming it up!

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The choice is always yours, make it a good one!

~ Lani