How to Have a Fabulous Wardrobe on a Flimsy Budget!

Recently I got a great comment from one of my readers; she said, “Fashion can be fun, but lately it is a chore…sometimes I find shopping for my family has become more like survival mode.”  This is so true, when you have a tight budget you think there is no way you can afford to look like the models in the magazines. 

Everyone knows I love a bargain.  It’s not that I’m cheap, it’s more that I want to see value in what I’m buying, or I just won’t buy it! I show my clients how to accomplish this as well. I love finding something beautifully made, and paying a lot less for it!

 Here are a few tips that might help you feel good about shopping again, and not feel like you too are in survival mode:

  1. Know your budget: Write it down somewhere and use cash if at all possible. I make it a game.  If I save money on something, I literally put that money in a pocket of my purse to save for clothes…. Shhh! Don’t tell my husband!
  2. Get organized and shop your own closet first: I teach my clients to do this. Make a list of what items you are actually in need of or really want, and make mental note of what you have too many of.  You should clean out your closet twice yearly. A great tip is to hang your clothes that you don’t wear very often with the hanger turned backward. When you wear it, turn it around the correct way and in 6 months or a year, you’ll see visually what you don’t wear. Now you should donate those items or put them in consignment.
  3. Shop out of season: It’s nothing new, but we forget that at the end of each season is the best time to purchase for the next year.
  4. Buy classics: I have sweater cardigans in almost every color, slacks in every neutral shade imaginable and some great tailored jackets.  I have a rainbow assortment of knit camisoles and dressy T-shirts as well.  You should continually add to your classic collection over the years.  Classics don’t go out of style. They are the cornerstone of every wardrobe.
  5. Update with accessories: It’s much more inexpensive to update with fun jewelry and accessories. If you have a lot of classics, you can buy the hot shoes or boots of the season to update your look. You can also buy fun scarves and the up-to-the-minute jewelry trends. Buy a great, fun purse as well. Invest in patterned and colored tights.  Updated accessories will give you the edgy look that you want at a fraction of the cost of buying all the new and exciting clothes of the season.

 Remember that you are always in control of what you buy. Don’t let a salesperson make you feel obligated or a great sale tempt you to buy something you don’t need. This is where a personal style consultant really pays off; they look out for your best interests, not the stores’.  If you are unsure of something, have the salesclerk hold it for you for an hour and go have a coffee and really think about it. If you still really want it, then go back, but I bet half the time you won’t. If you make a plan and stick to it, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment and be genuinely happy with your purchases, not guilty about them!

The choice is always yours, make it a good one!


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