BKS (Best Kept Secret)- How to treat and camouflage a blemish!

We all have had them, many of them. A lot of articles you read will tell you to leave them alone, do nothing…. but how many of us actually take that advice? Obviously, we are going to cover them up!

The best thing you can do is treat the blemish at home.  Wash your make-up off as soon as possible. Put some drying treatment on the area and sleep with it in place.

In the morning, it should be a lot more dried up.  Re-treat the blemish and then you can apply your face make-up as normal, trying to avoid the area as much as possible. You then apply a dry concealer, like a stick concealer on the spot and gently pat on a light coat.  Then pat on another very light layer of powder and repeat the concealer/powder routine once again. If it’s stubborn and doesn’t appear to be healing as fast as you would like, you can re-treat and re-apply the make-up during the day. Just clean the area with a cleanser and a Q-tip and repeat the concealer/powder routine again.

An excellent blemish treatment product is Clean and Clear’s PersaGel 10. It works!

Make sure to minimize break-outs by completely washing off your make-up every single night and cleansing your face in the morning before you apply make-up. Be sure your foundation is not too oily for your skin type.

For men, just treat the area with the treatment product several times a day and sleep with it on at night.  Make sure to cleanse your face thoroughly at night and in the morning before re-applying the treatment.

Tip: Be sure to avoid wearing red or pink clothing as this will actually accentuate the color of your blemish!

The choice is always yours, make it a good one!
