Let’s Talk About Style, Baby!

“Fashions fade; style is eternal.”— Yves Saint-LaurentÂ

Don’t think you have a style? Think again.  Ask some friends what they think your style is, but be prepared to hear the answer, though! You may not be aware of it, but most people do have a style that others recognize. Whether you’re the type that wears workout clothes or the type that wears trendy clothes with heels all the time, you already have a look that other people associate you with.

Now whether you like the style you have is another story. You may have a look that is yours by default. If that’s the case and you don’t like it, then you have the power to change it!

How do you pick a different style? Take time and peruse through magazines and Internet articles on fashion and pick something that resonates with you, something that makes you think, “Wow! I love that!”

Now take apart what those women are wearing piece by piece; ie, cardigan, ruffly top, high waisted slacks, trendy purses, pearls, and bow tie pumps, etc. Now write down what items you like.  If you have picked out a consistent style in different images, you will start noticing how the pieces start duplicating each other. Now head into your closet and start trying on your favorite pieces that make you feel great and take note the cut of the garment, the color and what the sleeves are cut like. Take all this information and create your new shopping list!

While you’re at it, don’t underestimate the power of a great haircut and color. While this is not part of your wardrobe, a great cut can drastically change how your clothing looks. Find pictures in magazines or the Internet and take them to your stylist.

The most important thing about your new look should be that it makes you feel great. Creating a personal style is really just about wearing what you love!

The choice is always yours, make it a good one!

~ Lani

P.S. If you need help, I’m in the Portland area. Refer to my contact page and send me a note. We’ll sit down and map out your personal style that fits your lifestyle and your wish list!