Finding your style personality!

Fact: The most successful people are lifetime learners. We may have been born with our innate personalities and genetic “gifts” our parents gave us, but what we do with them as adults are completely up to us!

My name is Lani Grass. I am a personal image and confidence coach.  I work with men and women who want to improve their outer image and how they present themselves for greater success in their personal and professional lives.

Each week I will deliver a fashion or confidence boosting tip that you can incorporate into your everyday life.

Do you get frustrated with the image that is staring back at you every morning when you get ready for work?

Many of my customers say they just don’t know what they like, but they keep buying the same things over and over again, just in different colors! Sound familiar?

Then you need to understand your style personality!

Cut or tear out pictures from magazines of the fashion looks you admire the most and put them into a folder or a notebook. Look at the details of the hairstyles as well as accessories. Keeping pictures on hand of what you like will help you remember the look that you want your style to evolve into. Be realistic with your body type and lifestyle. Just doing this one thing will help you enormously when you’re out shopping or getting dressed each morning.

Be proactive and you just might start to enjoy shopping again…

The choice is always yours, make it a good one!
